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MENGAPA AWAK KAPAL SELAM TIDAK BERUSAHA KELUAR MENYELAMATKAN DIRI Untuk mengetahui jawabannya, mari kita lebih dulu diskusi perihal tekanan udara, ya Tekanan udara diukur dalam satuan Atm (Atmosfer). Atmosfer adalah lapisan udara yang menyelimuti sekaligus menekan permukaan Bumi, termasuk permukaan lautan. Karena kita hidup dipermukaan bumi, Maka dikehidupan sehari-hari, tubuh kita mendapat tekanan udara sebesar 1 atm. 1atm = 1,033 Kg/Cm2. Artinya = Lapisan Atmosfer Bumi akan menekan setiap satu sentimeter persegi permukaan tubuh kita dengan tekanan seberat 1 Kilogram, lebih dikit. Dan tekanan maksimal yang mampu diterima manusia adalah antara 4-5 atm. Di laut,  tekanan 1 atm akan dialami disetiap kedalaman 10 meter. Jadi jika di laut kita menyelam sedalam 10 meter maka tubuh kita akan mengalami tekanan sebesar 2 atm Perinciannya sbb = 1 atm tekanan atmosfer Bumi diatas permukaan laut + 1 atm tekanan air laut dikedalaman 10 meter dibawah permukaan laut. Anggaplah KRI Nanggala-402 m...



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TAHUN AJARAN 2014/2015

Activity Report Study Tour 2014 in Yogyakarta By Title Reports STUDY TOUR in Yogyakarta.
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Writing this, I Present To:

1. Parents Us Who Has Support Us
2. Teachers We The Always Leads And Directs Us
3. Friends - Friends In High School Kridha Doplang
4. Sister - Sister Class In School Kridha Doplang Next Generation
5. In general, For Dear Readers


 Reading is the source of life
 Develop your potential for achievement
 No Day without learning.
 How Smart Hence Learning.
 People work for a living, students study for a science.
 As long lifespan still create works of as many
 Maybe people can forget something, but do not forget the services of teachers.


Thank God we pray to the presence of God Almighty because with mercy, grace, and Taufik and his guidance was the one we can complete papers Jogjakarta Study Tour to limited knowledge and capabilities.
We sincerely hope that this paper can be useful in order to add insight and knowledge on this trip report. We are also fully aware that in this task there are deficiencies and far from what we expected. To that end, we expect the criticism, suggestions and proposals for improvement in the future, remember nothing is perfect without the means to build.
Hopefully this simple paper is understandable for anyone who read it. Had this report has been prepared to be useful for our own as well as people who read it. Previously we apologize if there are errors words less pleasing and we invoke criticism and constructive suggestions for improvement in the future.

Doplang, 03 March 2015

Special Region Of Yogyakarta
Special Region of Yogyakarta or more often we refer to Yogyakarta / Jogja is one of the oldest areas in Indonesia. Yogyakarta is the second oldest after the province of East Java Province. Jogja possess a history that is essential for the establishment of the Homeland milestone.
Yogyakarta name comes two words, Ayodhya and Karta "a" means not refer to the word "yodhya" which has the meaning of war and the "Karta" means either. The trio combined to form words Ayodhya Karta which means that either there was no war or peace, kemudiand of Ayodhya said Karta is the name of Yogyakarta, which we know as the City which has the slogan Behati Comfortable appear.
Besides being known to history Jogja also keep a very attractive tourism potential visitors both foreign or local tourists. With wisdom and culture held Jogja become one of the main tourist destinations in Yogyakarta.
Tourism potential in Jogja actually very complete and attractive to tourists when visiting the city of Yogyakarta. As for the tourist sites that can be visited can be divided into three major sections: History, Nature and Spiritual.
Historical tours starting from temples such as Borobudur, Prambanan, Kalasan, Kraton Jogja, Taman Sari, Ullen Sentalu, etc. For Nature Jogja also offers many locations that will invite your admiration among other trim travel, tourist beach (beach of white sand and black sand) as Parangtritis, Pok Tungga ;, Ngandong, Indrayanti, Ngrenehan, Ngobaran, Tourism cave began diekslporasi by Jogja citizens like Cave Pinul, Holy Kali, and Cave Cerme. Besides her tour over the city of Yogyakarta also has a place for you to tour the Soul as GM Spring Sono, Lawangsih, Sri Ning, Jatiningsih, Cave Maria Tritis, Ganjuran.
Yogyakarta is known town were very friendly and convenient for tourists when visiting Yogyakarta. Friendly locals and low prices is another factor supporting Tourism in Yogyakarta. 25% Population Jogja dependent on tourism sector, with increasing Tourism in Jogja create work opportunities in this sector. The number of visitors at tourist sites around the city dwellers of attractions in Jogja many traders work as traders either food or souvenirs. Also sprung hotels, car rental Jogja, tour and travel that provide employment for its residents.
Along with the development of technology if you will be easier to choose if you want Facilities visit Jogja and seek information tourist places you will visit. You can choose from jasmine-class hotels to 5 star hotels in transport you also can choose the mode of transport that you want to bring your own car, or bike rental is also car rental in Jogja. Lots of rental cars to choose from but you have to choose a place that is the official car rental and ensure your comfort during kesalamatan also you traveled in Jogja. Many are lured by cheap price but many are experiencing frustration because not all cars in Jogja is perewaan official. By entrusting the official car rental can be accounted for your comfort while visiting the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. A right choice for you when you are more selective in choosing transport at the time you plan your excursions in Yogyakarta.
1. expand Sciences, The Public Insight And Size
2. Getting to know the place - Travel Tampat In Jogja The Beautiful And The Keep On Indoneisa
3. Know The Origin Of Places - Tourist Attractions in Yogyakarta
4. Growing Sense of Love Homeland
The method used in the execution of this paper are:
 Methods of Observation
Namely by looking at an object directly visited or studied.
 Methods Literature
That is by using the internet

1.4 Systematics Writing
This chapter contains a description of the problem issues, which consists of: background
back problems, problem definition, objectives, benefits
writing and systematics of writing.
In this chapter we will elaborate on excursions in Yogyakarta.
This chapter contains the conclusions, suggestions and attachments that can be drawn from this paper.


Monjali or Jogja Kembali Monument is an iconic addition to the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta Sultan Palace. Monjali began construction on June 29, 1985. The monument Monjali is purposely built to commemorate the struggle for return of Yogyakarta after the Dutch re-colonize Indonesia Yogyakarta after 1945. The struggle back to the bosom of mother earth shows that Indonesia truly sovereign and do not want to be colonized. Practical, penjajanh Netherlands lost as a loser and Yogya back to Indonesia. Therefore called Jogja Kembali Monument.
Side view its history, Monjali has similarities with the Old Courthouse in Jakarta.Gedung Juang Juang 45 45 telling Indonesia's struggle to prove the existence in the eyes of the world between the years 1945-1950. Building Juang 45 to travel tempata history museums in Jakarta.
Not less than 1000 collection of dioramas that tells the General Offensive March 1, 1949. The building Monjali looks unique. When along Ring Road North, from a distance had looked white cone-shaped building with a height of about 32 meters. That Jogja Kembali Monument. On the outside of the monument before the entrance, there are two pieces of the aircraft used in the liberation of Yogyakarta, Curen plane. There is also a move cannon on display there.
Monjali built on an area of ​​5.6 hectares. As the ancient Javanese philosophy, Monjali designed with four entrances in the direction of the west and east angin.Pintu eye to the museum on the first floor. Doors north and south towards the musuem on the second floor. Museum on the second floor contains reliefs and dioramas. Jogja Kembali Monument three-story. The top floor is a quiet space that contains only the Red and White flag a symbol of Indonesia and also appreciate the struggle depicted in the first and second floors. And if a straight line drawn from the air, Monnjali are in a straight line between the location of Yogyakarta Palace, Tugu, and Mount Merapi.
Monument Jogja is a tourist spot with shades of education and heroic. Heroic because there can be found historical objects such as carts and stretchers General Sudirman, coat lane IX, until the soup kitchen diorama edukasinya pejuang.Sisi very suitable for direct introduce students to commemorate the service and sacrifice of previous heroes. With this, they will feel embarrassed if would become corrupt, pengemplang taxes, not pious, and various other state-destructive behavior.
About pious, many heroes heroes are students and scholars. They will not fear death if it were not for Jihad Fii landasanbrperang Sabilillah. General Sudirman is a charismatic cleric and Muhammadiyah still flowing blood on his personality.
Jogja Kembali Monument is located in the Northern Ring Road (North Ring Road), in the Village protruding, District Ngaglik, Sleman. With this strategic position, Monjali can be accessed from anywhere either by public transport or private vehicles.
There are excerpts of General Sudirman sentence soulful and displayed in a simple textures in Monjali. General Sudirman told, "In the face of circumstances, must not fail because of lax cause weakness and weakness inflict defeat being a whopping cause suffering".
1st Floor Museum
On the first floor there are four rooms presenting a collection of objects such as realia, Replication, Photos, Documents, heraldika, Various types of weapons, evocative form of a common kitchen, all of which describe the atmosphere of the war of independence from 1945 to 1949.

The objects in the Museum 1, among others:
1. Photographs of the proclamation, which was sewing Fatmawati mother heritage flag red and white, a red-raising ceremony of the white pillars, the first cabinet photo Indonesian republic.
2. In the closet there are speakers to echo the proclamation (speaker / microphone), Sabel mersose and stakes as the capital of Indonesia in the armed youth.
3. - There are photos lane XI
-Photos row of stakes
-Photos intimation 5 September 1945
-Photos rally in the square north of Yogyakarta
-Photos new city battles 7 October
-Photos youth congress 1
-Photos time of implementation of ceasefire
-Photos negotiations Indonesia - Netherlands
-Photos Japanese army transport by train (allied prisioners of war and 'nterhern)
-Photos Bank Indonesia
-Photos while aid from India came to the people of Indonesia
-Photos when President Soekarno illiterate year completing 17 March 1948
-Photos spend money ORI in Indonesia on 1 October 1946
4. There are also statues wearing Indonesian army uniforms like PETA, HEIHO, LASURI, SPECIAL POLICE, Guerrilla, STUDENT'S ARMY, AIR BKR, BKR SEA, AIR BKR
5. There is also a typewriter and a jar of old
6. Various kinds of weapons used fighters.
7. There is also a weapon of Dutch
8. There is a flag or banner of the division and regimental banner
9. Miniature Virgin boats, boats they will be derived from banyuwangi
10. Many weapons fighters, like SAMURAI, SYUTHO (drinking water), HAN-NGO (a rice), GUN, mortar, BROWNING 303 (USA)
11. Miniature boat penisi
12. Machinery airplanes and aviators image
13. Grenade landslides, pineapple grenades, grenade gombyok, rifle grenades, fire axes, boom trucks
14. Pigeons POS
15. Map of the area of ​​Indonesia according to the Renville Agreement
16. Radio philips, Nambo pistol, sword mandao
17. Jacket Faridan M.Noto
The objects in the Museum 2, among others:
1. The telephone
2. Walky talky
3. Sewing Machine
4. Gig
5. Diagram of veterans in the country RIS
6. Stretcher
7. Cannon yugo
8. Statue Teuku Umar
9. Cannon PSU Derlikon
10. The desk chair and drinking utensils used by the great commander General Sudirman in Wonosari, Gunung Kidul.
11. The chair of the Governor of Yogyakarta Special regional head (Sri Sultan HB IX) in kepatihan during the war of independence.
12. SNP Mauser carbine, West Germany 1942
The objects in the Museum 3, among others:
1. Evokativ common kitchen
2. evocative Indonesian Red Cross
3. consolidation route map wehrlereise commander III
4. Table kusi guest in use Major R. Sumual on Military Aggression II
5. Mother's Bicycle Simplex Military Aggression 2 Ruswa when used to carry papers secret
6. Tables, chairs, sentir to learning when the

The objects in the Museum 4, among others:
1. The beds are there in the Great House in wear when soekarno in Yogyakarta
2. Statue half body Ki Hajar Dewantara
3. Photographs Leaders Struggle
4. Sculpture half body KH. Mansour
5. Tables Chairs used a Moh. Thereupon

In addition to the museum on the 1st floor there is a library which is a special library that provides reference materials, historical struggle for Indonesian independence and can be utilized by the public. There is also a Function Room which is located in the middle of the room is equipped with an open stage this space can be used for weddings, seminars, graduation, and artistic attractions such as: classical dance, gamelan, music elektone with patriotic songs

Floor Museum 2
Pedestal outside the 2nd floor ledge wall that protects the body monument at present 42 pieces of relief physical struggle and diplomacy struggle of the Indonesian nation since August 17, 1945 until December 28, 1949

1. Diorama Dutch army raid on the airfield Maguwoharjo 19 hours Desembar 1948 05:50
2. Diorama commander of General Sudirman report to the President to lead the Guerrilla War December 19, 1948
3. Diorama President, Vice President and other leaders in exile to Sumatra December 23, 1948
4. Diorama joint popular resistance against the Dutch army December 23, 1948
5. Diorama consolidation and defense sectors uprising in Ngotho 26 December 1948
6. Diorama General Offensive March 1, 1949
7. Diorama Signing Statement Roem-Royem May 7, 1949
8. Diorama withdrawal of Dutch troops from Yogyakarta June 29, 1949
9. Diorama Commander Soedirman arrived in Yogyakarta, July 10, 1949
10. Proclamation Diorama memorial in Yogyakarta 17 August 1949
3Rd Floor
Also called Garba Graha space or quiet space, in the hope that visitors can appreciate the gift of God and ask that the martyrs who died in defense of freedom can be accepted in accordance with the charitable side bhaktinya god.

Welcome to the 0 km Jogjakarta who have made history in every memory of people who've been to this Gudeg city. Heart of Yogyakarta Malioboro is never empty of visitors. Malioboro name is taken from the name of an English Duke of Marlborough is that the occupied city of Jogjakarta from the 1811M to 1816M. Stretched on the imaginary axis connecting the sultan's palace, monument and the peak of Mount Merapi, this path is formed into a locality trade after the lane I developed a means of trade through a traditional market since 1758. After over 248 years, where it still survives as a trade area even become one of the icons that are known to Malioboro Yogyakarta. Located about 800 meters from the Kraton, this place was filled with a bouquet of flowers whenever Palace implement celebration. Malioboro, which in Sanskrit means "garland" became the basis of the street naming. Flanked by shops, offices, restaurants, hotels and historic buildings, streets that used when the struggle had become the basis of the Dutch military aggression to-2 in 1948 was also the land odyssey artists who are members of the community Persada Study Club (PSK) leadership artists Paranggi Landu pennant since 1970 to about 1990.
Since ancient times, Malioboro has become the center of the city and the government. Various historical buildings bear witness Malioboro journey of an ordinary street to be one of the most important points in the history of Jogjakarta. Among them is a grand building that was established in the year 1823M and a Dutch resident home at the time, which is a fortress Vredeburg Dutch heritage establish on the 1765M which is now a museum, Beringharjo which is one of the largest markets in Jogjakarta until now, and Hotel Garuda as the place of the authorities and the General-General of the Netherlands during the stay and hang out while in Jogjakarta. Until now, the shape of the building still leaves many potert memories of glory in ancient times. And many other historic buildings.
Enjoy the experience of shopping, souvenir hunting Jogja, tourists can walk along the shoulder of the road which berkoridor (arcade). Here you will find many vendors who hold merchandise. Starting from local handicrafts such as batik, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo crafts (key chains, decorative lighting, etc.) also blangkon (typical hat Java / Jogja) and silver items, to merchants who sell general knick knacks that many found in other trading venues. Throughout the arcade, tourists can shop in peace in sunny or rainy conditions, also can enjoy a pleasant shopping experience at bargain prices. If lucky, can be reduced one-third or even half of it.
Do not forget to leave little energy. There is still a traditional market that should be visited. In the place known as Beringharjo, besides tourists can find similar goods sold along the arcade, this market provides a variety of traditional products are more complete. In addition to local products Jogja, also available product neighboring regions such as Pekalongan batik or batik Solo. Looking for batik or batik print, or just looking for curtains decorating the windows with unique motifs and batik bed sheets beautiful. This place will satisfy the desire to shop unique items at a cheaper price. Shopping at Malioboro and Beringharjo, be sure not to be fooled by the price offered. Usually the seller to raise the price of usual for tourists
Vredeburg and the Great House
At the end of the road "bouquet", tourists can stop at Vredeburg are dealing with the Great House. This fort was once the base of the Dutch protection from possible attacks Kraton forces. As usual every fort, which was built in 1765 where this square-shaped high wall encircling the area inside the watchtower in the four corners that are used as a patrol. From the south tower, Yog YES enjoy views to the Palace of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and several other historical buildings. While the Great House which is located in front of him once the residence of the Head of the Dutch colonial administration from 1946 to 1949. In addition, he became the Presidential Palace in which President Sukarno when the national capital was moved to Yogyakarta.
Lesbian Malioboro
As the sun began to set, when the lights came on streets and shops which add to the beauty of Malioboro, one by one stall Lesbian began held. Typical food warm or pecel Jogja like catfish can be enjoyed here in addition to oriental cuisine or sea food and cuisine of Padang. And entertainment hits or song memories by the other street when dining. For tourists who want to taste the cuisine along Malioboro street, ask for price list and make sure the seller, to avoid rising prices unreasonably.
Visit Yogyakarta, known as the "Living Museum Javanese Culture", was not complete without a stop by the road which has many stores various historical stories Indonesian Nation struggle and filled with various souvenirs. A paradise for lovers of history and souvenir hunters.
Until now, Malioboro still have charisma as a place that has always been the center of attention every tourist who come to Yogyakarta. Whether it Travelers local mapun foreign tourists, almost never absent for a visit to Malioboro whenever it comes to a city famous as a student city and the city's culture. Malioboro is not only a paradise for shoppers who can hunt for souvenirs typical and attractive with low prices, along streets Malioboro also presents a compelling story from every corner of the gang who had kekhas's own, not only that, when night arrives Malioboro also become a haven for street artists who hunt pieces dollars along Malioboro street is filled by stalls Lesbian and become famous place tourists or natives hang out often ordered hot coffee or tea as a treat in time for a night Malioboro while chatting occasional laughter interspersed along friends or new friends in jumpainya.

Indrayanti Beach tub stunning angel lovers beach tourism. This beach is located in the southern coastal province of Jogjakarta precisely in Gunung Kidul district. Still one row to the beach Baron, Kukup beach, beach and beach Krakal Sundak. The new beach is famous in recent years. Understandably, once the beach is not professionally managed. Now, with the private manager also manages to juggle Indrayanti EATING Round Beach Shawwal is not inferior to Kuta Beach Bali.
Coastal Home Shawwal is the name commonly known by local residents. Name Indrayanti arguably chance alone. Since the number of visitors and there is no obvious sign other than the name Cafe, then it is called Indrayanti as the name of the beach. Indrayanti Beach precisely located in the village Tepus, Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.
Arguably, fame Indrayanti Beach has defeated Baron beach and coastal alluvium were first known as a tourist beach. Perhaps because of the convenience as well. On the beach Indrayanti, do not try to litter if do not want fined Rp 10.000, - Fines imposed solely in order to maintain the cleanliness of the beach so that tourists feel comfortable.
If you want to spend the night in Indrayanti do not have to worry because it has provided lodging with a variety of views and options harga.Konsep inn is returned to nature (back to nature) large .Penginapan be set below the hill. Being in the form of houses on stilts and a hut on the shoreline.
While enjoying the panoramic beauty of the gift of God in this Indrayanti beach, you can rent a jetski to wade through the waves. Umbrellas provided along the shoreline with the rental of Rp 20.000, - unlimited. On the beach Indrayanti, you will be treated to the beauty of the natural landscape that blends white sand beaches, coral reefs, beaches and crystal clear blue water.
Tiekt into the beach area is super cheap. Only Rp 5,000, - people, ana can enjoy Baron beach, beach Krakal, paktai Kukup Along the coast, beach Sundak, and the Drini beach.
                Deretan gubug di bibir pantai                                                           Payung warna-warni yg disewakan

Nowadays it is not difficult to find a route to the beach Indrayanti. In addition to the already well-known, signs also provide clear direction. From Jogjakarta, just follow the road leading to WONOSARI. After passing the city limits Jogja-Gunungkidul, not far from there there are signs DLLAJ green color indicates the direction of turn right to go to the beach Indrayanti. Of counter levy vehicle, the distance is about 9 miles away. If maih have time, try also the thrill down the river in a cave in Pindul.
As a tourist class, you can use some of the facilities provided by the manager of such cottages, bathrooms, gazebos, huts stage, praying, and parking lots. Do not be surprised if withdrawn rent because it generally requires treatment facilities.

it can be concluded that the tourist places in Jogja it very much, and we must always keep and take care to keep it beautiful as the original. in order to attract tourists to vacation in Jogja.
In addition, the charming town Jogja we should not add to the western cultures we feel very good or trends. but it is wrong, we should keep the original culture Jogja itself in order to have a unique authenticity eyes of the world.
Yogyakarta is one of the favorite tourist town for vacation and spent the rest of the time resting in tourist places in Jogja. although many mystical stories circulating in the wider community, the tourists still enjoy the enthusiastic tourist places in Jogja.
We realize that in making this paper were encountered difficulties, therefore we welcome any suggestions and criticisms so that we can improve this paper.
Such conclusions and suggestions in the manufacture of this paper. In making this paper a lot of shortcomings, for the author as a human being apologize for any shortcomings and oversight. Hopefully this paper
benefit us all.





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